Thursday, August 03, 2006

Making of a Canadian Soldier

Making of a Canadian Soldier


At 12:30 AM, Blogger Andrew said...

After reading your post about this talented soldiers work I feel sad thinking that a person who seems very educated would want to stop a young man from showing how he feels and how excited he is about being a part of somthing that is probibly the best thing he has ever done. This video show the way it really is. After spending some twelve years in the forces and being told what my thoghts are I can applaud this young mans work.
It has taken many years for the Canadian Forces to be seen as a true fighting force, lets show it the way it really is. Why should people be shown a parade army, we did that for years then some one sent a video of te Airbourne to the media. Lets not hide who we are or what we really do. We are people just like tom the banker or bill the fireman. I can tell you that they still scratch thier nuts when they are itchy.

Good work young man and keep it up, good luck in your career.

At 3:21 PM, Blogger eye-jeff-yala-joe-cool said...

no ass did i love better.afghanistan entry 110polizei2008afghan blizzard.mayday 50208narkiss burma teak kayakbuilder.512beef sichuan gov.gav.government federal slug baikal shoguns 1908-2008.and a little more racial segregation of my dick from india was the pakistan floods.i drowned 10million paks that week.i love plumb white milk cheese with an open wound to heal with my orb.and for any races with dirty toilets or jailhouses on friday night,i´m smith vs. morpheus.haiti 112 coolwala toes toe huk o.tron athlete´s foot either.

At 6:39 PM, Blogger Jpoland said...

Hey man. Not sure if you are still in the CAF. However I wanted to say thank you :) your guides and vids have helped alot :) I would recommend updating to the new fitness standards the pushed in 2015.

For those reading this reply is being done Feb 10 2019.

I wanted to join out of high school back in 03. But kids and life kinda screwed me. Now that it isnt a issue for me, with Alberta's economic crash of 2019, kids not my responsibility anymore or any obligations.... I can honestly say that your guide has given me peace of mind and the continued belief that I can do this! I can make my life long dream come true!

Thank you again!


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